Google Will Soon make your desktop and Laptop Talk With You

Your computer and Laptop will soon talk with you, thanks to giant Google 

Your laptop or desktop computer will soon be able to talk with you.
Google offers a greater voice search for Chrome and Chrome OS to give users the same experience that they currently get with Google now in smartphones and tablets - oral questions to ask and you will receive an audible response
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"People communicate with each other by talking, not keywords - and worked hard to understand and Google to your questions, the people," said Amit Singhal, vice president and Google software engineer.

"You can touch a microphone, speak with Google in a natural reaction and spoken back to you on Android, iPhone and iPad."

Google advance how this experiment in conversation Chrome operating in its I / O conference in San Francisco on 15 May.
For example, a user can have your hands free, you can ask, "OK Google, it is sunny in Boston this weekend?" And an oral reply. L ', the user can then questions such as: "How is it there?" Travel time and follow instructions. Chrome is not the only beneficiary of a major update, though.

Knowledge graph

Google is also working on knowledge graph, plan people, places and objects in the real world to improve, to ensure that users receive responses "smart" questions.
For example, if a user asks: "What is the population of Canada?" Google will answer the question, and perhaps follow-up questions.
"In a single card, you will see how the Canadian population has changed over time - and a comparison with California and Australia," Singhal said.
The update also contains traditional and simplified intelligent search in Polish, Turkish and Chinese.

Google now

Memories have been added to Google now to remember the right information exactly when they need it.
"With the new recall now you can not only things that save remember later, but you can actually choose a place and time to enable reminders to appear at the right time,"Singhal said. "And the best part is that you can create some of those memories with his voice".
Function, for example, a user can remember leaving work to stop at the grocery store for milk and bread. You can memories of when the train goes and how long the user takes to get there. Even a user can remember when the movie you have to see them. Theatre and your recommendations to other movies that you like to play locally in dying

"With just a microphone or a finger touched millions of people around the world can easily find access to the knowledge of the world and what they want to improve their lives, or just the day run a little smoother," Singhal said. "This is why we are so excited about the new search function is that we build on Google and change the way we live life".

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