Google launched desktop like chrome app launcher mac

Google launched desktop style Chrome Apps and Launcher for Mac.

The Google Chrome team is always interesting and challenging things. I know the SPDY protocol or language, or the latest Chrome Darts applications that run outside the browser.

Chrome app launcher mac. Google launched desktop style Chrome Apps and Launcher for Mac

If you are on Windows, probably you have tried Chrome launcher. But It is now available for Mac OS X also.

The launcher contains shortcuts to applications installed on Chrome. By clicking on an application icon, it will open in a separate window.

You can also look into the history and bookmarks from your browser via the launcher.

Chrome Web Store is updated with a new category called "For Your Desktop." List of all applications that run outside Chrome browser includes some of the greats like Any.Do, Google Gardez, Wunderlist, and more you can find in the lastest updates from Google chrome team.

I hope Android and Google will please the web surfing better. The Chrome application supports a good improvement over the web application because it runs online in a separate window.

Apparently Chrome applications have a long way to go to reach the level of native applications . But nevertheless, this is a good opportunity for web developers.

To test the new applications and restart Chrome on the Mac, Update or Download Chrome please visit the below link.

Download Google Chrome For Mac.
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