Kindle is the latest application bind to Windows 8 Parade
Microsoft continues to party like New York in 1995 and for good reason -. Windows 8 will be started at midnight All major software developers in the party come by all know that their applications will be available in the Windows Store when it starts. Until now, Google, Hulu Plus, Skype, StumbleUpon and Netflix have described their applications. Now it's time for Amazon..jpg)
"The Kindle ecosystem provides a wide range of customers and lower prices, as well as hundreds of thousands of books that are in the Kindle Store. We look forward to the best choice of content, and make full advantage of the Kindle ecosystem in Windows 8," said Dorothy Nicholls, Vice President, Amazon Kindle. "We are pleased that the major manufacturers have decided ecosystem for Kindle preinstalled on your new Windows 8 devices."
The application is free to download and works on all Windows 8 and Windows devices RT. It has "buy once, read everywhere" the same promise you can buy books on a device and access it from another by the same Amazon account.
"We are pleased that Amazon Kindle created an application developed for Windows 8," said John Richards, director of marketing for Microsoft Corp. Windows application "ecosystem quality content and an immersive Windows 8 Kindle world is an excellent option for our his customers. "