Search Engines Reports Stats 2013

Search Engines Reports Stats 2013

Bing search engine gains market share in search engines, drop sets Yahoo Slideshow
Bing has increased its market share of search engine for the third consecutive month. At the expense of Google and Yahoo Search engines, Microsoft has increased its market share from 15.7 percent to 15.9 percent, comScore reported. Bing market share of the research was to 14.7 percent in August 2011.

Google search engine has only slightly decreased from a peak of 66.8 percent to 66.4 percent. In August 2011, the market share of Google searches 64.8 percent.

Meanwhile, Yahoo took drag last month had ceased to hold stable, rising from 13 percent to 12.8 percent. They had fallen in each of the last 10 months. In August 2011, the market share of 16.3 percent, Yahoo search.

Asked increased its share from 3.1 percent to 3.2 percent. AOL searches has also increased slightly, the first of its constant error of 1.5 percent,. An increase of 1.7 percent

Overall, 68.8 percent of searches carried organic via Google, while 25.3 percent were powered by Bing SE.

Explicit basic research fell from 17.7 million in July to $ 17 billion in August. Google led with 11.3 billion searches (against 11.8 million in July) Bing accounted for 2.7 million on par with July. Yahoo was again in third place and unchanged at 2.2 billion euros, Ask a slightly increased to 550 million euros (548 million) and AOL rose from 264 million to 292 million in the previous month.

ComScore has launched raids and relate to the workplace only, no phones. This month, two changes have been incorporated in the information as follows:

      "The first improvement is the addition of the universe updated population estimates based on data from the U.S. Census 2010, the percentage of the population improved accounting demographic groups provides. The second improvement was improved study comScore enumeration methodology to better represent the mobile only households. "
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