The Apple Cloud Removed Beta With Updated Apple Apps beta sheets with a touch of updated applications and reminders

When Apple launched iCloud, which was available only on Apple devices and the Internet. After a few months a Web application and has launched in beta.

apple app, iphone apps,icloud, apple store, icloud.comNow that iOS 6 will be available for download soon from the apple cloud, removed the beta label and the service is now open to the public.

The service now has notes and reminders applications that have been added in OS X Lion Mountain, the update Find My iPhone -. For the remote lock, remote wipe capabilities and Sounds

In addition, you can use the Notification Center notifications sync with iOS 5 (or later) and Mac OS X 10.8 display.

The Web application is very well maintained in the design that looks more like a native application instead. IMessage is in the list of applications that allows you to add messages directly from the website.

Getting hacked your account iCloud can be very uncomfortable if the hacker can break anything that is in any Apple devices, says Mat Honan story? He also explained what is icloud iphone on the apple website.

You can set up an account with Apple iCloud force on your iPhone / iPad or Mac configuration.

What do you think about apple new icloud service. Do drop your comments

Link: iCloud
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